
Wednesday, April 13, 2022

What book will inspire you- Hatchet

In class, I read Hatchet. I have been thinking about the author's message. We had to write a reading response to the book in testing conditions. Here are my thoughts about the book.

         Hatchet Novel Response

Name: Kayden

 In class, we have been reading a book about hatchets for a month or so and it has been interesting. It is about a boy going to see his Dad, then the pilot has a heart attack and the plane goes down. He got lost in the bash all alone with just a Hatchet and a torn windbreaker. 

I think the Author's message in the book is never to give up even in the bad times. In the text, it shows when Brian didn't give up, Brain tried to make a fire but didn't succeed. He tried and tried but only sparks then he struck and a stream of sparks fell into the bark making it glow. He thought what makes fire? oxygen so he made a little nest of bark then made the spark and blow making fire.

The Author's message as well is how bad it may be to look to the bright side. In the text, it shows Brian's response to the tornado is when the tornado destroyed everything he didn’t cry about it he looked to the bright side and said is that all you got I still have my hatchet and that's all I had in the being. He was different now he had changed he was tough.

In summary, Reading this book was interesting because it was different

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