
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Courage writing snapshot


In class, I have been reading about Jesus Christ's life and looking for acts of courage. I then had thirty minutes to write about it. 

What is courage? According to Walt Disney, All our dreams can come true if 

We have the courage to pursue them. Jesus is the son of God and died for our sins so we had a chance to go to heaven and live with our God. He came to earth as a human, he spoke the bible to people. I am writing about how courage is seen in the life of Jesus.

The Wildness

One day Jesus was in the wildness and didn't eat for forty days and forty Nights then the devil make his move. In Matthew, 4:1 it says He refused to bow down to the devil. And spoke the word of God And man shall not live on the bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

I can learn from this by not getting tempted by others.

The storm

One day Jesus and his disciple went on a boat in the ocean then a massive storm came along. The Disciple got scared of the substantial storm. Luke 8.23-25 says Jesus rebuked the wind and the raging storm, not letting the fear overcome him. I can learn from this by overcoming fear and trusting in Jesus

To sum up, Jesus showed all these different ways of showing courage.

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