
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

 In class, I have been learning about show not tell  
    Robots take over              

(Orientation: setting, character)

Kayden, do you notice you change how the story is told a few times? There is the narrator and then you tell it from a first-person perspective (I) but then change to a third-person perspective (he)

The abandoned highways were green with weeds and plants, the skyscrapers and hotels were flooded with plants inside and outside. The city was rotting away and nature was taking over!! But one civilian survived who was forty-five years old.  …


I was talking to myself. Why did they all disappear?’ This question haunted me. One day I will find them, he decided. One unusual day he struck luck; it was a clue about his family on a 570 flip phone which says they were in a quarantine facility on the West Side. I was startled for a couple seconds then I realized what I had to do!! Brmmm brm mmm  I vanished in the foggy mist two hours later my wrist ceased up on the throttle boom!! I woke up trying to lift his motorbike up and crack his arm went.

Complication: what makes things trickier


Two days later after the big accident, he started his walk three miles in. I was exhausted, my arms were slowing me down, but I did not give up. I ripped my shirt in strips making it hold my arm up then ran like nothing was holding me back until nighttime. I saw lights through the foggy mist and noise. It was the quarantine facility guarded by gorilla boots, armed with guns.                                      



Then I clicked,  all my army and ninja training was for a moment like now, my army crawled through the grass with a broken arm. Then I said ‘’up ahead there's a tunnel aye captain’’. Just like me and my family would play. Boom, I  walked into the tunnel. Disgusting, hatred, boulders - which one will kill him first? I ran hoping to find a way out then!! It was a hole into the family prison cell but whose prison cell it was? my family.


We all gave each other a big hug I said  ‘’ouch my arm.’’

 ‘‘What happened? Mum asked. 

courage poster

 In class, we are learning about courage. I like this quote because relates to my future and when you fail courage will make you come back stronger. I learned that good posters are eyecatching and have a purpose. In mine, I did layering and customing colors.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Narrative writing goals

My Writing Goals 

Not yet


Got it! 

My story flows and I use punctuation for effect 

I have an interesting hook

I have good organisation (paragraphs help reader with the orientation, problem, complication, solution)

I have used , . ?!  correctly within direct speech

I have short sentences for impact and longer sentences to build detail

I have used wow words (verbs, adjectives, nouns)

I have figurative language ( simile, metaphor, idiom personification)

I mostly use show not tell 

I have a wide variety of  sentence starters

I have a 2A, double ly; de;de;  simile; verb, person sentence; 3 ed; emotion word, sentence; P.C sentence. ( comment on them)

I can give, and respond to, peer and teacher feedback to improve my work and my friend’s. 

My writing goals are… to learn show not tell and use a wide variety of  sentence starters and types.