
Thursday, November 4, 2021

Narrative writing goals

My Writing Goals 

Not yet


Got it! 

My story flows and I use punctuation for effect 

I have an interesting hook

I have good organisation (paragraphs help reader with the orientation, problem, complication, solution)

I have used , . ?!  correctly within direct speech

I have short sentences for impact and longer sentences to build detail

I have used wow words (verbs, adjectives, nouns)

I have figurative language ( simile, metaphor, idiom personification)

I mostly use show not tell 

I have a wide variety of  sentence starters

I have a 2A, double ly; de;de;  simile; verb, person sentence; 3 ed; emotion word, sentence; P.C sentence. ( comment on them)

I can give, and respond to, peer and teacher feedback to improve my work and my friend’s. 

My writing goals are… to learn show not tell and use a wide variety of  sentence starters and types.


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