
Thursday, August 26, 2021

picture mapping


persuasive writing


Persuasive Writing Model Text ingredients 

Instructions: Read the text and find these success criteria in the text. HIghlight them the same color.

Introduction that has a hook and clearly states opinion or viewpoint 

Clear structure (may include subheadings, paragraphs, lead sentences, sequencing words) Summary statement

Quotes, facts, research testimonials (self or others)


Figurative and emotive language: alliteration, simile, personification, assonance. 

New sentence types some; others,     3 bad - question,    if, if, if… then,     the more, the more,  or emotion word (comma) sentence

That’s Me - Predator Free

"An estimated 25 million native birds, eggs, and chicks are cruelly eaten alive by introduced predators every year in New Zealand," Forest &Bird said. Does this concern you? If so, you are not alone. I believe that we all have a role to play in protecting the native flora and fauna of Aotearoa. 

Imagine a New Zealand with no thriving, lush bush and no beautiful, endemic birds: this could become a reality!  Laziness, indifference, business - why are people doing nothing? Proverbs 12:10 says ‘a righteous man cares for his animals.’ We must care enough to take action so our threatened species are here for future generations. 

Some people believe that the Predator Free 2050 ambition is a pie in the sky; I believe it can be achieved. If we work together, if we get our families on board, if we upskill and get out there, then our birds will thrive.  According to, areas not under pest management have only  5% of chicks survive. In areas where pests are controlled 50 - 60 % of chicks survive. You see, ordinary people like you are out there; ordinary people, like you, are learning, trapping, monitoring, and teaching others. 

Lastly, the more people doing their part, the more our ecosystems and our people will flourish. By joining our KCS Enviro group you will save species, strengthen ecosystems, make KCS a better place to learn and play and gain life-long skills. It's us ordinary people that do the extraordinarySo get on board - let’s be one accord.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Big accident

 In class, we have been learning about figurative language, We learned about personification, alliteration, and assonance.

                                                                      The Luge



  In the holiday me and the kapa haka group, Nga Hoia O Ihu Karaiti, went down to Rotorua to do a kapa haka performance for the one and only true God, Jesus Christ. While we were down there we experienced the luge and Skyline; the Skyline looked like mount Everest. When we got on the go-cart we hooned it like nothing was holding me back.

                                                                  First time down

Firstly, the man told us the safety rules and how to use the go-carts, off we went in a dash down the luge. The track was bumpy and windy. Our go-kart was like a magic carpet. On my first track I raced against Tumu Amoron and Tiakina, we zoomed down the bumpy track and I zigzagged through Amoron and Tumu making me come in second place. Let's go, while I was in second the bumps smashed my but left to right. When we finished I said to Tumu “I smoked you like nothing boy”.


                                                                   The big accident!!   

The next time down there was a big accident where there was blood everywhere!!, just kidding. We started our race. It was tragic. Hilda-Jean - she's crazy. She dragged raced with me, Tumu and Komene, off we went. Halfway through the track, Hilda- Jean went Kuku and wild, it was as though she manifested and became someone else. She smashed Tumu 10 feet into the air on the grass and flipped his cart and she also diverted me onto the grass and made me go on to two wheels. I was peed off, I picked my cart up and sped down the hill with a buckled tire, and in my mind was a vivid picture of Hilda-Jean, ready for revenge.



That day was fun when we dragged raced and when Hida-Jean the Kuku flipped me and tumu of the go-carts sliding around the corner and smelling the rubber from my tires on the bumpy and windy track. I recommend going to the luge but not with Hilda-Jean- the Kuku girl. Some people are Kuku; others are calm.  

                                                              The End!!